Six popular-science research presentations were given by RECS researchers and guests to computer science students and external collaborators.CS Research Day Program
Time: 13:00 – 16:30
Location: 15-321, and Zoom
13:00 – 13:30 Data Analytics and Visualization
Speaker: Liam Wolter
Project Manager at Mårtensson Consulting will be presenting how data analytics and visualization has been used to reduce energy consumption in the food and beverage industry. Data has been gathered and combined from multiple systems to find hidden focal points.
13:30 – 14:00 Drinking Water and Machine Learning
Speaker: Niklas Gador
Niklas is a Senior Lecturer at HKR. His research interests are Big Data Analytics, IoT, and sensor and computer technology. His background is in the field of molecular science using ultrafast laser spectroscopy. He will give a presentation about drinking water quality analysis using machine learning technologies.
14:00 – 14:30 The Importance of Feature Engineering When Building Models
Speaker: Ola Johansson
Ola is a Senior Lecturer at HKR. He had a long record working in industry (ABB, Ericsson) before he joined HKR. Ola is an expert on applying machine learning technologies in industry problems. He will give a talk about feature engineering on building machine learning models.
14:30 – 15:00 An IoT-Enabled Healthcare System
Speaker: Ali Hassan Sodhro
Ali is a Senior Lecturer at HKR. Before he joined HKR in 2021, he held different research and teaching positions at several other universities in Sweden. He also had work experience from France, China, and Pakistan. He has published more than 80 publications and serves in the editorial board of a few top journals. His research interests are in IoT and sensor networks and will give a talk on the application of sensor networks on healthcare.
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break (Fika)
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15:30 – 16:00 In the Head of Artificial Ducks
Speaker: Daniel Einarson
Daniel is a Senior Lecturer at HKR. He has dozens of years of experience on teaching computer science in universities. His research interests have recently been focusing on IoT-based systems, machine learning, and pedagogy-oriented works. He will give a talk on explaining artificial neural networks as thinking processes.
16:00 – 16:30 Smart Water Management in Kristianstad
Speaker: Qinghua Wang
Qinghua is an Associate Professor at HKR. His research interests include IoT and sensor network applications, big data analytics, and IoT security. He will give a talk on the status of a smart water project funded by Vinnova. This project is about the monitoring and analysis of different water data and can be used to predict flooding risks.
Period | 2021-Oct-20 |
Event type | Seminar |
Location | Kristianstad, SwedenShow on map |
Degree of Recognition | Local |