6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Janet Mattsson with the persons below:
Anna-Karin Edberg
- Faculty of Health Science - Professor Nursing
- Department of Nursing and Integrated Health Sciences
- Forskningsplattformen Hälsa i samverkan
Person: Researcher
Marie Nilsson
- Faculty of Health Science - Senior Lecturer Public health science
- Department of Nursing and Integrated Health Sciences
- Man - Health - Society (MHS)
Person: Researcher
Camilla Malm
- Faculty of Health Science - Senior Lecturer Public health science
- Department of Public Health
- Man - Health - Society (MHS)
Person: Researcher
Pernilla Garmy
- Faculty of Health Science - Professor Nursing
- Centrum för Mat Hälsa och Handel Högskolan Kristianstad (FOHRK)
- Children’s and Young People’s Health in Social Context (CYPHiSCO)
- Department of Nursing and Integrated Health Sciences - Merited teacher
- Forskningsplattformen Hälsa i samverkan
Person: Researcher
Petra Lilja Hagell
- Faculty of Health Science - Associate Professor in Nursing
- Department of Nursing and Integrated Health Sciences
- Patient Reported Outcomes - Clinical Assessment Research and Education (PROCARE)
Person: Researcher
Madelene Törnblom
- Faculty of Health Science - Doctoral Student Caring science
- Centrum för Mat Hälsa och Handel Högskolan Kristianstad (FOHRK)
- Department of Nursing and Integrated Health Sciences
- Forskningsplattformen Hälsa i samverkan
- Patient Reported Outcomes - Clinical Assessment Research and Education (PROCARE)
Person: PhD student