Karin Höijer
- Faculty of Natural Science - Senior Lecturer Food and meal science
- Department of Food and Meal Science - Merited teacher
- Food and Meals in Everyday Life (MEAL)
Person: Researcher
Petra Magnusson
- Faculty of Education - PhD and Associate Professor in The teaching and learning of Swedish
- Department of Primary Teacher Education - Merited teacher
- Learning in Language and Literature (LiLL)
Person: Researcher
Cecilia Segerby
- Faculty of Education - Senior Lecturer Mathematics didactics, Merited teacher
- Department of Special Education
- Research on relational pedagogy
Person: Researcher
Lotta Leden
- Faculty of Education - Associate Professor Natural science didactics
- Department of Secondary Teacher Education
- Learning in Science and Mathematics (LISMA)
Person: Researcher
Christina Lindh
- Faculty of Education - Senior Lecturer in The teaching and learning of Swedish
- Department of Primary Teacher Education
- Learning in Language and Literature (LiLL)
Person: Researcher