6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Joakim Thelander with the persons below:
Sophia Yakhlef
- Faculty of Health Science - Senior Lecturer Sociology with specialisation in criminology
- Department of Social Sciences
- Research environment Individual Group Society (FIGS)
Person: Researcher
Jonas Ringström
- Faculty of Health Science - Senior Lecturer Crimnology
- Department of Social Sciences - Merited teacher, Programmes Director
- Research environment Individual Group Society (FIGS)
Person: Researcher
Professor Vesa Leppänen
- Faculty of Business - Professor Human resources and work science with a specialisation in sociology
- Centrum för Mat Hälsa och Handel Högskolan Kristianstad (FOHRK)
- Department of Work Science
- Governance Regulation Internationalization and Performance (GRIP)
Person: Researcher
Per Davidson
- Research environment Individual Group Society (FIGS)
- Department of Psychology
- Faculty of Education - Senior Lecturer Psychology
Person: Researcher
Marie Nilsson
- Faculty of Health Science - Senior Lecturer Public health science
- Department of Nursing and Integrated Health Sciences
- Man - Health - Society (MHS)
Person: Researcher
Camilla Malm
- Faculty of Health Science - Senior Lecturer Public health science
- Department of Public Health
- Man - Health - Society (MHS)
Person: Researcher