6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Jonas Asklund with the persons below:
Christel Persson
- Faculty of Natural Science - Senior Lecturer Natural science didactics
- Centrum för Mat Hälsa och Handel Högskolan Kristianstad (FOHRK)
- Department of Environmental Science - Excellent teacher
- Environmental Science
- Learning in Science and Mathematics (LISMA)
- Research on relational pedagogy
Person: Researcher
Petra Magnusson
- Faculty of Education - PhD and Associate Professor in The teaching and learning of Swedish
- Department of Primary Teacher Education - Merited teacher
- Learning in Language and Literature (LiLL)
Person: Researcher
Maria Freij
- Faculty of Business - Senior Lecturer English, Merited teacher
- Department of Design
- Design A_ Research Collaboration
Person: Researcher
Anna Smedberg Bondesson
- Faculty of Education - Associate Professor in Literary Studies
- Department of Secondary Teacher Education
- Learning in Language and Literature (LiLL)
Person: Researcher
Christoffer Dahl
- Faculty of Education - Senior Lecturer in The teaching and learning of Swedish
- Department of Secondary Teacher Education
- Learning in Language and Literature (LiLL)
Person: Researcher
Lena Ahlin
- Faculty of Education - Senior Lecturer English
- Department of Secondary Teacher Education
- Learning in Language and Literature (LiLL)
Person: Researcher