6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Niklas Gador with the persons below:
Magnus Johnsson
- Faculty of Natural Science - Professor Computer science specialization machine learning, Deputy Dean
- Department of Computer Science
- Research environment of Computer science
Person: Researcher
Fredrik Frisk
- Faculty of Natural Science - Senior Lecturer Computer engineering
- Department of Computer Science
- Research environment of Computer science
Person: Researcher
Ann-Sofi Rehnstam-Holm
- Faculty of Natural Science - Professor Microbiology
- Biomedicinsk vetenskap (BIOVET)
- Department of Bioanalysis - Excellent teacher
Person: Researcher
Biträdande professor Christina Lind-Halldén
- Faculty of Natural Science - Associate Professor Biology with specialisation in genetics
- Biomedicin
- Department of Bioanalysis
Person: Researcher
Ola Svahn
- Faculty of Natural Science - Researcher Environmental science – with a specialisation in chemical analysis and remediation of pharmaceutical residues and oth
- Department of Environmental Science
- Environmental Analytical Laboratory
- Environmental Science
Person: Researcher
Gunnar Gunnarsson
- Department of Environmental Science - Department Manager
- Environmental Science
- Faculty of Natural Science - Professor Animal ecology
- Sustainable multifunctional landscapes
Person: Researcher