Swedish tardigrades

  • Jönsson, Ingemar (PI)
  • Guidetti, Roberto (CoI)
  • Massa, Edoardo (CoI)
  • Sarah, Atherton (CoI)

Project Details

Short Description

Tardigrades are small aquatic invertebrates found in many ecosystems around the globe, both terrestrial, limnic and marine. My research on tardigrades in Sweden includes several projects; compiling of a checklist of all tardigrade species that have been recorded in Sweden, and studies on tardigrades in the Kristianstads Vattenrike biosphere reserve. These studies include collaboration with tardigrade taxonomy experts in Italy (Roberto Guidetti, Edoardo Massa, and others) and at the Swedish Museum of Natural History (Sarah Atherton)
Effective start/end date14-01-01 → …


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