A masters’ programme in medical education as a strategy for implementing scholarship of teaching and learning

Charlotte Silén , Klara Bolander Laksov, Lena Engqvist Boman, Janet Mattsson

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Background: Increasing interest is directed towards longitudinal and organizational approaches to educational development in medical education. This paper reports on a strategic approach aiming to enhance educational development. A master’s programme in medical education was implemented in which a model of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, SoTL was applied throughout the prog-ramme. Participants study educational problems in their own practice, explore existing knowledge within medical education, investigate and develop their practice, document the process, get feedback from peers and make the results public. The participants come from different professions, like physicians, nurses, physiotherapists and represent different nationalities. Summary of Work: The outcomes in terms of learning, professional development and dissemination were examined. Students from the first two cohorts (n=25) answered an open-ended questionnaire regarding their learning and the impact on the organization where they work. Contributions of scholarly work in terms of publications, submissions to conferences etc. were mapped. Summary of Results: The results showed that they had applied a scholarly approach and changed their educational practice in different ways. Examining their own practice, relating to theory and comparing to other contexts were mentioned as important factors to develop confidence for change. 18 of 25 were involved in educational projects, eight articles had been published/submitted and 21 poster/oral presentations had been conducted. Discussion and Conclusions: A master’s programme with a strategic approach can enhance development of educational practice both on an individual and an organizational level. Take-home messages: Enhancing a SoTL approach in close connection to educational practice may support individuals’ ability to change their practice.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes

Swedish Standard Keywords

  • Educational Sciences (503)

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