Arbete, familjeliv och återhämtning: en explorativ studie om "tredje skiftet"

Ulf Ericsson, Pär Pettersson, Leif W. Rydstedt, Elin Ekelund

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With the daily rhythm as a backdrop, this study explore the pre-requisites for recovery. Based on group interviews and a diary study with employees at a Swedish insurance company we focus on the relation and tension between the first (labor), second (unpaid homework), and third (planning/organizing for the second shift), shift. The participants described that limited possibilities for internal recovery during work was compensated for by external recovery during off-work time. However, having solely responsibility for the third shift restricted the possibilities for recovery. The material showed that women between 30-45 had the main responsibility for a complex “third shift”.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)90-107
Number of pages17
JournalArbetsmarknad och arbetsliv
Issue number3-4
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Swedish Standard Keywords

  • Social Sciences (5)


  • family life
  • recovery
  • stress
  • third shift
  • working life


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