Development of the Parent-to-Infant Bonding Scale: Validation in Swedish Mothers and Fathers in Community and Clinical Contexts

Sara Lindeberg, Eva Tedgård, Birgitta Kerstis, Ulf Tedgård, Alyx Taylor, Peter Jönsson

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Valid measurement instruments are needed to investigate the impact of parental bonding on child health development. The aim was to develop and validate a self-report questionnaire, the Parent-to-Infant Bonding Scale (PIBS) to measure bonding in both mothers and fathers. Internal consistency and construct validity were analysed using data from Swedish parents from both clinical (N = 182), and community (N = 122) population samples. Overall, good or acceptable internal consistency of the PIBS appeared. Convergent validity (against the Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire, analysed in the clinical sample) and discriminant validity (against the mental health constructs of depressive symptoms and anxiety) were demonstrated. The results support the PIBS as a measure of maternal and paternal bonding in community and clinical populations. Assessments of criterion validity in these populations are desirable. The similarities in PIBS measurement properties between the parent groups suggest its usefulness for comparisons between mothers and fathers, and for future investigations of unique and interactive impacts of maternal and paternal bonding on child outcomes using community and clinical cohorts.

Original languageEnglish
JournalChild Psychiatry and Human Development
Publication statusPublished - 2024-May-17

Swedish Standard Keywords

  • Psychology (501)


  • Father-infant bonding
  • Mother-infant bonding
  • Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale (MIBS)
  • Parent-to-Infant Bonding Scale (PIBS)
  • Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire (PBQ)


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