Lärares professionella/personliga utveckling

Jonas Aspelin, Sven Persson

Research output: Chapter in Book/ReportChapter in bookpeer-review


The article discusses what professional personal development means, with respect to teacher students and professionally active teachers. To begin with, the discussion on teacher socialization is placed in a larger societal context, where changed conditions for the teacher profession are taken note of. Furthermore, in order to position the concept and interpret its meaning, the concepts “learning” and “reflection” are questioned. In conclusion, it is suggested that the conceptual pair “creativity/ relationship” can constitute a fruitful complement to dominating discourses about the teacher profession.

Original languageSwedish
Title of host publicationEducare
Subtitle of host publication2008:1 Artiklar
EditorsBjörn Sundmark
Place of PublicationMalmö
PublisherLärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola
Number of pages23
ISBN (Print)91-7104-109-5
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameEducare: vetenskapliga skrifter
ISSN (Print)1653-1868

Swedish Standard Keywords

  • Educational Sciences (503)

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