Outdoor recreation, nature-based tourism, and food: Experiences and adaptations in the hospitality industry during COVID-19

Anna Calvén, Thomas Beery, Hannah Kristofers, Marcus Johansson, Mats Carlbäck, Karin Wendin

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review



Along with the increase in outdoor recreation during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sweden, it was also noted that nature was given an expanded role as a 'social room' for meeting and socialising over food (Hedenborg et al., 2022). From a business perspective, this development may have been an opportunity for companies in the nature and rural sectors to cope with the pandemic crisis and to build resilience in the hospitality industry (Von Essen, 2021; Höga Kusten, 2020). However, a more comprehensive understanding of how companies in the Swedish nature sector acted and adapted is missing.


To examine companies' combined experiences of outdoor recreation, nature-based tourism, and food during Covid-19 in Sweden, and to analyse how this knowledge can support sustainable thinking in the hospitality industry while contributing to resilient rural development.

Method & design

A survey (n = 61) and an interviews (n = 18) study were conducted with companies working in the nature sector in Sweden. The questions focused primarily on their experiences of the pandemic, but also on how food is used as part of their business strategy, as well as their general perceptions of food and nature-based activities as part of the hospitality industry in rural areas.


The data will be analysed in early spring 2024. However, Ppreliminary results shows that the large outdoor areas were a favourable factor in attracting more people during the outbreak. Adaptations from international to local and national guests appears to have formed the basis of most pandemic era response, combined with efforts to comply with restrictions implemented to reduce the spread of the virus. Examples of some of these adaptations include: visitor spacing during meals, small group activities, family based activities, food delivered in picnic baskets, and business and staff meetings in the forest with cooking over an open fire.

Locally produced food and seasonal ingredients were an important focus for several companies, partly as a sustainability strategy, but also as an important tool for engaging guests in conversations about culture, place, environment and sustainability linked to the area where the activity takes place. Overall, nature-based outdoor recreation hospitality was seen as crucial to the development of rural areas, with food as an important part of the 'total nature experience'.


Preliminary results show resilience in the face of disruption; For example, creativity in adapting to the pandemic crisis, where nature was seen as a favourable location arena for safe activities is a featured form of resilience. In addition, food was highlighted as an important tool for many companies to build their businesses despite disruption, with nature-based outdoor recreation and tourism considered as a fundamental contribution to sustainable transitions in rural areas.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2024-Jun-19
Event13th International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences - Högskolan Kristianstad, Kristianstad, Sweden
Duration: 2024-Jun-172024-Jun-20
Conference number: 13


Conference13th International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences
Abbreviated titleICCAS
Internet address

Swedish Standard Keywords

  • Food Science (40103)

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