Åtgärdsprogram - överensstämmelse mellan provresultat och åtgärder?

  • Kersti Esbjörnsson
  • Yvonne Hagberg

    Student thesis: Professional degree, Advanced level


    The purpose of this study is to examine if actions written down in the action program is consistent with the results pupils reach in the national sample in Swedish in school year 5 and to study what sort of actions teachers write down. The purpose is also to find out what roll the special teacher has in the work with the pupils that did not pass the national sample. The theoretical framework we have chosen for this study is based on the writers and researchers, books and researches which deals with the above topic. To perform this study, we interviewed two teachers and two special educators in two different schools and in two different classes. In the two classes are ten pupils in need of special support. The documents we made use of are the national sample in Swedish in school year 5 and action programs for these pupils. Our study shows that there are very few shortcomings in consistency between the actions the students received and the difficulties they have shown in the sample.

    Date of Award2009-Aug-25
    Original languageSwedish
    SupervisorLisbeth Ohlsson (Supervisor) & Christer Ohlin (Examiner)

    Courses and Subjects

    • Education

    University credits

    • 15 HE credits

    Swedish Standard Keywords

    • Pedagogical Work (50304)


    • national sample in swedish in school year 5
    • action program
    • actions
    • consistence
    • the role of the special need teacher

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