Att frivilligt välja K3 framför K2
: en kvalitativ studie i små svenska företag ur revisorns perspektiv

Translated title of the thesis: To voluntarily choose K3 over K2: a qualitative study in small Swedish companies from the auditor's perspective
  • Emma Johnsson
  • Johanna Nilsson

Student thesis: Bachelor


Financial reports aim to generate a true and fair view of a company's financial position. Researchshows that principle-based accounting provides a more accurate picture of a company than rulebased accounting. It is Bokföringsnämnden that creates the standard setting for Swedish companies that are not forced to apply IFRS. For smaller Swedish companies, there is a possibility of applying K2 which is considered rule-based. K3 is to be applied by larger Swedish companiesand is principle-based.

The purpose of the study is to find the motives behind companies that voluntarily choose to apply K3 and whether more companies should choose K3 over K2. The study's issues were answered through a qualitative research method where three auditors were interviewed.

The study shows that companies planning for a future sale choose K3 to generate more informationto their stakeholders. Growth companies choose K3 to apply the right regulations from start. Other motives for voluntary application of K3 are the desire to be best in class, opportunities for component depreciation on properties, opportunities to capitalize development costs in research and development companies, capitalization of intangible assets, reporting of tax estimates and the desire to protect equity. The study does not show that more companies generally should chooseK3 over K2.

The study's main contribution is to increase the understanding why companies voluntarily choose a more advanced regulatory framework in the Swedish context, as research is primarily available at an international level. The study also presents auditors’ views on the discussion about whether more companies should report according to K3 instead of K2. 

Date of Award2021-Jul-09
Original languageSwedish
SupervisorTitti Eliasson (Supervisor) & Heléne Tjärnemo (Examiner)

Educational program

  • Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics

Courses and Subjects

  • Företagsekonomi

University credits

  • 15 HE credits

Swedish Standard Keywords

  • Business Administration (50202)


  • k3-regulation
  • k2-regulation
  • principle-based accounting
  • rules-based accounting
  • stakeholder theory
  • institutional theory
  • positive accounting theory

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