Genre pedagogy is a pedagogical perspective that is well known both in teacher education and in classrooms. Despite this, little emphasis has been placed on students' perceptions of working with the Teaching and Learning Cycle, which is an approach developed within the framework of this perspective.This thesis aims to investigate the different ways in which middle school students can perceive the work of the four phases of the Teaching and Learning Cycle when writing factual texts. The study was carried out with a combination of methods through two different questionnaires with 20 students on two different occasions and semi-structured group interviews with a total of nine students. Four key concepts from the sociocultural perspective on learning and Mariani's (1997) framework were used in the analysis of the students' responses. Our results show that a majority of students are positive about working according to the Teaching and Learning Cycle. Students are most positive about the third phase when they work in pairs or groups to write a factual text and are least positive about the work in the second phase of the Teaching and Learning Cycle when the structure of a factual text is addressed. Based on our results, we can conclude, like previous researchers, that it is difficult to find the class's common zone of proximal development and that structured teaching in form of support structures is highly valued by the students.
- Grundlärarutbildning: årskurs 4-6
- genre pedagogy
- middle school
- support
- cognitive challenge
- literacy teaching
Cirkelmodellen: Elevers uppfattning om arbetet med cirkelmodellen vid författande av faktatexter
Svensson, L. (Author), Tumsa, E. (Author). 2024-Jun
Student thesis: Professional degree, Advanced level