Deep Learning Approach for Extracting Heart Rate Variability from a Photoplethysmographic Signal

  • Gudny Björk Odinsdottir
  • Jesper Larsson

Student thesis: University Diploma


Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a method to detect blood volume changes in every heartbeat. The peaks in the PPG signal corresponds to the electrical impulses sent by the heart. The duration between each heartbeat varies, and these variances are better known as heart rate variability (HRV). Thus, finding peaks correctly from PPG signals provides the opportunity to measure an accurate HRV. Additional research indicates that deep learning approaches can extract HRV from a PPG signal with significantly greater accuracy compared to other traditional methods. In this study, deep learning classifiers were built to detect peaks in a noise-contaminated PPG signal and to recognize the performed activity during the data recording. The dataset used in this study is provided by the PhysioBank database consisting of synchronized PPG-, acceleration- and gyro data. The models investigated in this study were limited toa one-layer LSTM network with six varying numbers of neurons and four different window sizes. The most accurate model for the peak classification was the model consisting of 256 neurons and a window size of 15 time steps, with a Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) of 0.74. The model consisted of64 neurons and a window duration of 1.25 seconds resulted in the most accurate activity classification, with an MCC score of 0.63. Concludingly, more optimization of a deep learning approach could lead to promising accuracy on peak detection and thus an accurate measurement of HRV. The probable cause for the low accuracy of the activity classification problem is the limited data used in this study.

Date of Award2020-Nov-20
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorFredrik Frisk (Supervisor) & Dawit Mengistu (Examiner)

Courses and Subjects

  • Miscellaneous

University credits

  • 15 HE credits

Swedish Standard Keywords

  • Computer Sciences (10201)


  • heart rate variability
  • photoplethysmograpic signal
  • human activity recognition
  • deep learning approach
  • recurrent neural network
  • long short-term memory network

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