Engelska på lågstadiet i ett flerspråkigt klassrum
: Utveckling av flera språk samtidigt

  • Ida Andersson

    Student thesis: Professional degree, Advanced level


    This paper focus on the question whether second language pupils in primary schools have an advantage or a disadvantage when being introduced to English as a school language, while their mother tongue and Swedish as a second language are still being developed. The aim is to find potential benefits or drawbacks that may be inherent in multilingual learning, and examine if various methods and approaches can be the basis for the actuation of pupils' performance in the subject. Research shows varying perspectives on what is considered best for the pupils. Therefore, a number of interviews have been conducted to find out what experienced teachers and students think about the topic. The study shows that it is advantageous to introduce English at primary school, but certain conditions need to be fulfilled. It also shows that a good introduction to the subject is dependent on a number of different methods and procedures. Among other things, the teaching language proved to be important for how the subject is perceived by the students, and how you choose to teach and what parts you want to accomplish.         

    Date of Award2017-Jan-31
    Original languageSwedish
    SupervisorMaria Bäcke (Supervisor) & Sharon Ahlquist (Examiner)

    Educational program

    • Teacher Education

    University credits

    • 15 HE credits

    Swedish Standard Keywords

    • Pedagogy (50301)
    • Didactics (50302)

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