Ett doft- och smakbibliotek avseende hampfrö-presskaka, gula mjölmasklarver, texturerad veteprotein, ärtproteinisolat och ärtprotein koncentrat
: En sensorisk undersökning av alternativa proteinkällor

Translated title of the thesis: A fragrance- and flavour library for hempseed press cake, yellow mealworm, textured wheat protein, pea protein isolate and pea protein concentrate: A sensory study of alternative protein sources
  • Michael Vu
  • Sofie Holmberg

Student thesis: Bachelor


The purpose of the study is to construct a fragrance- and flavour library for sensory analyses for hemp seed press cake, yellow mealworms, textured wheat protein, pea protein isolate and pea protein concentrate. The methods pilot study, consensus test and inhouse intensity test are used to be able to execute the study. The purpose of the pilot study is to gain an increased understanding of the fragrance- and flavour of the pre-products. The consensus test is a central point for the structure of the fragrance- and flavour library, since predominant attributes generated during the test are used for the product description in the fragrance- and flavour library. The purpose of the inhouse intensity test is to verify the validity of the attribute generation from the consensus test. The results from the pilot study contribute with references to the consensus test. There are also common attributes for the products' fragrance- and flavour in the pilot study and in the consensus test. The results from the consensus test show that it is difficult to distinguish between taste and mouthfeel. For example, can oil from hemp seed press cake be determined as a flavour. The result from the inhouse intensity test has a large statistical error, which makes it difficult to determine the attributes due to the differential in the minimum- and maximum value. Attributes that gave a descriptive text to the library show that hemp seed press cake has a scent of grass and seaweed where the taste is reminiscent of the scent. Pea protein isolate mainly smells of grain, the taste is reminiscent of seeds and corn. Yellow mealworms smell like cereals and walnuts where the taste is based on the basic taste umami. Textured wheat protein has a scent that can remind of roasted wheat puffs and oatmeal, where the taste is reminiscent of the scent. The last product is pea protein concentrate, which has a scent of pea shoots, and the taste is bitter.

Date of Award2021-Aug-24
Original languageSwedish
SupervisorViktoria Olsson (Supervisor) & Hanna Sepp (Examiner)

Educational program

  • Culinary Arts and Food Sciences

Courses and Subjects

  • Miscellaneous

University credits

  • 15 HE credits

Swedish Standard Keywords

  • Other Natural Sciences (107)


  • hempseed press cake
  • mealworm
  • textured wheat protein
  • pea protein
  • alternative protein sources
  • fragrance- and flavour library

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