The study focuses on the topic of extra adaptations within the leisure center's activities. This study explores educators' experiences of working with students in need of extra adaptations. Previous research indicates significant challenges in meeting the needs of students requiring extra adaptations. The most common challenges identified include excessively large student groups, insufficient collaboration with the student health team, a lack of trained personnel in leisure centers, and inadequate facilities in leisure centers. Semi-structured interview method was employed in the study. To analyze the empirical data, Asp-Onsjö's (2020) theory of inclusion has been applied. The theory encompasses spatial, social, and didactic inclusion. These three aspects are used as tools to assess the extent to which a student is included in their school situation. The aim of the study was to examine the extent to which teachers in the leisure center perceive that they meet students' needs for extra adaptations. The results indicate that teachers in the leisure center feel that they work with various types of extra adaptations that generally work well for students. However, there is a desire from all informants for increased collaboration with the student health team to obtain assistance with relevant strategies regarding extra adaptations. Furthermore, the results of the study align with previous research, highlighting challenges with extra adaptations that meet the student's needs comprehensively in the context of leisure centers.
- Grundlärarutbildning: fritidshem
- Teachers in leisure centers
- leisure centers
- extra adaptations
- inclusion
- student health team
- collaboration
Extra anpassningar och samverkan i fritidshemmet: Utifrån ett rumsligt, socialt och didaktiskt perspektiv
Stover, J. (Author), Carlsson, M. (Author). 2023-Dec
Student thesis: Professional degree, Basic level