The purpose of the study was to examine the teachers' perceptions of the importance of snack-time and its function. This was done through a qualitative study with a phenomenographic perspective. The purpose of the study was to illustrate the differences and similarities that exist regarding what teachers with a focus on work in leisure-time centers believe that snack-time is for. The study was conducted through six semi-structured interviews with teachers who are university educated with a focus on work in after-school centers. The study was conducted in two different municipalities in southern Sweden. The choice of method was based on the purpose of the study, which was to capture the individual teacher's perceptions of the phenomenon of snacking. We used both national and international research in the study. The international research is about a project where teachers provide additional knowledge to students about food, meals, and the effect of living healthier. We have also included other research by the same author where it is described that if students learn about food and meals, there is a greater chance that they will start eating more nutritiously. Other previous research described such things as the fact that there can be many things happening at the same time during snack-time and what effects this can have. The results of the study indicate that snack-time according to the teachers has several different aspects with weight. The importance of getting nutrition to get through the day, opportunities to create relationships with your friends and the complexity of eating food with many other people at the same time to name a few.
- Grundlärarutbildning: fritidshem
- Teachers
- Phenomenon
- Perceptions
- Social learning
- Description categories
- Snack-time
- Food & energy
Fritidshemslärarnas uppfattningar om mellanmålets betydelse: En fenomenografisk studie
Bergquist, D. (Author), Danlarén, Z. (Author). 2024-Jun
Student thesis: Professional degree, Basic level