This survey study highlights the reckoned differences, due to age, that can arise in the digital competence of teachers in leisure centers and whether they possess the digital competence needed to promote the students' learning. In order to reach a credible result, the study has been based on quantitative data. This data for the study, has been collected through questionnaires that are designed based on the TPACK framework, the questionnaires have been sent to 185 principals from various schools in Sweden. The study is reinforced with international and national research that sheds light on the subject in question. The results demonstrate that the reckoned digital competence is low in relation to the requirements found in the curricula of the schools in question. The result from this study shows a difference between the age groups. In such a way that younger age groups reckon on possessing a higher digital competence compared to older age groups.
- Grundlärarutbildning: fritidshem
Lärare i fritidshems upplevda digitala kompetens: En undersökning om eventuella åldersgruppsskillnader
Brandsten, S. (Author), Ekblad, J. (Author). 2023-Jun
Student thesis: Bachelor