Matnyttiga tankar hos skånska 9:e klassare
: Elevers upplevelser kring skolmåltiden i relation till det pågående proteinskiftet i Helsingborgs kommun.

  • Annabella Hansen
  • Håkan Sjöström

Student thesis: Bachelor


Anthropogenic climate change as a global impact on the environment requiresurgent measures. The municipality of Helsingborg works with sustainabledevelopment throughout the entire operation, which includes the school meal anda sustainable menu. The work carried out to implement a sustainable school mealand replace proteins in the menu is a complex process, where social, economicand ecological factors must be taken into account. The purpose of this study is toinvestigate school students' experience of the school meal in relation to theongoing protein shift. The study has been carried out at four schools, where focusgroups have been held at each school. A total of 18 students with varyingsocioeconomic backgrounds have participated in the focus groups, which havebeen recorded based on ethical guidelines, transcribed, coded and thematized. Thestudy is based on social constructivism and analyses how social factors influencestudents to construct a reality. The results show that the students' experience of theschool meal is affected by the socio-economic differences that the students have.The result also shows how the educational meal is missing or marginalized totemporary scenarios and not as an integrated tool in the school meal. The studyshows that factors contributing to this lack originating in organizationalgovernance. All focus groups considered the influence of food advice at school tobe ineffective without a purpose. The study's conclusion means that staff have animportant role in the students' dining experience in school, and that socioeconomicfactors and the educational meal affect the students' meal experience.
Date of Award2023-Jun
Original languageSwedish
SupervisorHanna Sepp (Supervisor) & Maria Nyberg (Examiner)

Educational program

  • Culinary Arts and Food Sciences

University credits

  • 15 HE credits

Swedish Standard Keywords

  • Food Science (40103)


  • Protein shift
  • School-lunch
  • Experience
  • FAMM
  • Helsingborg
  • Students

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