Omvårdnad av personer med diabetes och kognitiv dysfunktion

Translated title of the thesis: Nursing of persons with diabetes and cognitive dysfunction
  • Ann Kjellgren
  • Kjell Hårsmar

    Student thesis: Bachelor


    The relationship between diabetes and cognitive dysfunction has been shown in severalstudies in last decade. The aim of this systematic literature review was to illuminatefactors that affect the nursing care of people with diabetes and cognitive dysfunction.Nine scientific articles were selected form the databases Cinahl, Clinical Evidence,Cochrane, ELIN@Kristianstad and psycINFO. These were assessed according to aquality review template. The articles were analysed deductively according to SuzieKim´s domains of nursing client, client-nurse, environment and practice. Four keyfindingswhere identified: importance for the person to adjust their lives and selfidentity,importance of engagement and support from spouse, the positive effect ofregular physical activity on cognitive ability and that teaching should be done in severalshort sessions. As a nurse it is of great importance to have knowledge about the linkbetween diabetes and cognitive dysfunction. Changes in behaviour of these individualsshould be detected and lead to careful nursing status. Nurses should be aware of boththe person and her/his spouse in the planning of care and assistance to self-care.Unfortunately, no qualitative articles were found in this literature study who describedself-care strategies from a person-centred perspective. It would be of great importancethat further empirical studies are performed to illuminate this field.

    Date of Award2010-Aug-31
    Original languageSwedish
    SupervisorElisabeth Renmarker (Supervisor)

    University credits

    • 15 HE credits

    Swedish Standard Keywords

    • Nursing (30305)


    • nursing
    • diabetes
    • cognitive dysfunction
    • suzie kim's domain of nursing

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