“...så att det alltid ska passa någon vid något tillfälle.”
: En intervjustudie om läsundervisningen under höstterminen i årskurs 1

Translated title of the thesis: “…so that it will always suit someone at some time.”: A interview study on reading instruction during the autumn semester in grade 1
  • Emma Klarinsson
  • Petra Klint

Student thesis: Professional degree, Advanced level


Skolinspektionen's review from 2015 showed that reading- and writing instruction was rarely given based on the students' current conditions in grade 1. The lessons were often based on the average level of the class instead of including the adaptation prescribed by the curriculum. The latest PISA results from 2022 showed that 15-year-old students had the lowest result in reading comprehension since 2012. We therefore found an interest in investigating how teachers describe their work with reading instructions during the fall semester in grade 1 and how they create the conditions for all students' reading development. Three teachers were interviewed. At the time of the interview they were working in grade 1. The interview material was processed using content analysis and the results were then analyzed using concepts taken from sociocultural learning theory. Our study shows that all teachers sought to examine where students were in their reading development at the beginning of the term. The teachers based their teaching on teaching
materials to varying extents. Common to all teachers was that they work with organized letter work, however, they worked with letters in different ways. All teachers describe that they have different demands on the students in their class. Not all students are expected to do the same thing in reading instruction. In the study, it appears that the teachers have different methods to reach the same goal, create conditions for all students' reading development.
Date of Award2023-Dec
Original languageSwedish
SupervisorJonas Asklund (Supervisor), Jan Andersson (Assessor) & Petra Magnusson (Examiner)

Educational program

  • Grundlärarutbildning: förskoleklass och årskurs 1-3

University credits

  • 15 HE credits

Swedish Standard Keywords

  • Pedagogical Work (50304)

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