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: Patienters upplevelser av bemötande inom vården

  • Anneli Rehnström
  • Hanna Midelf

    Student thesis: Bachelor


    Background: How treatment is experienced in healthcare is affected by many different factors and is described as a concept difficult to define. Among other things, healthcare professionals create their treatment of patient and their relatives through the ways they receive and greet the patients. Body positioning of staff also have an impact on how the patients and their relatives experience treatment. Every day several thousands of meetings take place in healthcare, and these meetings are in many ways crucial to the patient's experience of further healthcare contact. Method: The literary study was performed with a focus on nursing, and scientific articles were researched in Cinahl, PubMed and SweMed. Selected articles were reviewed. Findings: The material resulted in four themes; dignity, care, information and conversation, respect and joy. The literary study showed that patients experience very different feelings and thoughts in the encounter with healthcare professionals. Many factors may affect how the meeting is experienced. Discussion: Patients will experience the encounter with healthcare professionals in various ways, and similar factors were identified in several studies. However, there is a difference in whether the experience of a specific factor is positive or negative. Conclusions: After the literary study was conducted, the authors believed that further research on the concept of treatment from a patient perspective is required. Within healthcare, it is essential with extensive knowledge of the patients' experiences in order to provide good care.

    Date of Award2010-Mar-08
    Original languageSwedish
    SupervisorJane Björkman (Supervisor)

    University credits

    • 15 HE credits

    Swedish Standard Keywords

    • Nursing (30305)


    • treatment
    • information
    • patient
    • conversation
    • encounter

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