This study examines the work tasks of special educational needs coordinators (SENCO) in compulsory school using questionnaires as method. It also examines the role of the SENCO in school development and the expectations on the SENCO from headmasters, teachers and SENCOs themselves. To analyse the results the study uses professional theory, mainly Abbott’s use of the term jurisdiction and Brante’s definition of a profession. The work tasks of a SENCO are many and varied. The tasks range from benefitting individuals to the whole organisation and a common work task involves collaborating with other professional groups. The respondents of the study are in wide agreement on what work tasks fall on the SENCO, except when it comes to teaching. The results show that many SENCOs spend a lot of time teaching groups or individuals while others do not spend any time on teaching. Taking part in school development is something the SENCO seeks and has achieved jurisdiction for, according to the System of Qualifications for the SENCO programme. With their expertise the SENCOs are expected to take part in improving the school by supporting the teachers and by being a part of varying teams. However, the SENCO does not automatically have jurisdiction for leading school development, perhaps because this is an area where senior teachers also seek jurisdiction. Future research may further examine the SENCO’s role in leading school development and the possible competition between senior teachers and SENCOs in claiming jurisdiction for the same work tasks.
Date of Award | 2022-Jun |
Original language | Swedish |
Supervisor | Catarina Grahm (Supervisor) & Daniel Östlund (Examiner) |
- Special Education Programme
- compulsory school
- work tasks
- school development
- profession
- jurisdiction
- expectations
- distributed leadership
Specialpedagogens arbetsuppgifter och roll i skolutvecklingsarbete: En studie om jurisdiktion och förväntningar
Edwall, L. (Author), Svensson, F. (Author). 2022-Jun
Student thesis: Professional degree, Advanced level