Tärningarna är fortfarande i rörelse
: En studie som visar hur AR teknologi kan skapa nya specifika spelkvaliteter

Translated title of the thesis: The dice are still rolling: A study that shows how AR technology can create new gameplay specific qualities
  • Martin Lundmark

Student thesis: Master, two years


The gaming industry is changing, and new games and gaming experiences are being developed. From board games to video games, to the latest AR and VR games. Right now, developers are trying to develop experiences that combine the real and the virtual into one wholesome and believable mix. This gives new opportunities to implement technology in classical artifacts. In the context of board games there are several tangible pieces, and the dice is the chosen main character for this study. Placed in the middle, between board games and digital games, AR games comes now. Previous research of board games and digital technology gives interesting information on the activity and provides a foundation for new design. The dice is world famous, so this study aims to find out how this piece can evolve with the help of technology. By working with concept driven design, in relation with an AR game studio, the AR Dice and the AR Game DiceFold was invented. A qualitative method was used in which experts of the industry got together to discuss the new experiences of AR games and the functionality of the AR Dice which might become a new part of the gaming world in the near future. The findings of this study lead to three promising discoveries. A new gaming component, new AR game and further answers regarding research in the scopes of AR games.

Date of Award2021-Jun-23
Original languageSwedish
SupervisorMichael Johansson (Supervisor), Martin Wetterstrand (Supervisor) & Kari Rönkkö (Examiner)

Educational program

  • Digital design

Courses and Subjects

  • Informatics

University credits

  • 30 HE credits

Swedish Standard Keywords

  • Interaction Technologies (21103)


  • xr (extended reality)
  • ux (user experience)
  • boar games
  • dice
  • ar (augmented reality
  • games
  • gaming
  • )

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