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  • Freij, Maria (Col)
  • Ahlin, Lena (Col)
  • Ehriander, Helene (PI)
  • Alkestrand, Malin (PI)
  • Almgren White, Anett (Col)
  • Eriksson Sjögärd, Malin (Col)



2022/2023 Project with colleagues from HKR, Linneaus University, and Jönköping University, and in collaboration with Dyslexia Skåne (Dyslexiförbundet Skåne), that consisted of meeting needs identified in and by the community in regard to how to work with creative writing with children, in and outside of school contexts. We planned and organised a series of online lectures and workshops on how to work with creative writing with children – we invited authors of children’s and young adult literature with experience of visiting school pupils and other groups of children to speak about their work and we highlighted opportunities for collaboration between the tertiary environment, schools, libraries, and authors, the target audience being active teachers, academics, teaching students, librarians, and other parties with an interest in creative and academic collaboration. The project was funded by the respective universities.


A series of workshops with invited speakers and moderated discussions. Each event had more than 100 participants.
Gällande start-/slutdatum22-01-0123-12-31