A Complexity thinking approach to Cooperation, Collaboration, Coordination: the case of a collaborative platform within the agricultural sector

Sören Augustinsson, Alina Lidén

Forskningsoutput: KonferensbidragArbetsdokument (paper)Peer review


This study seeks to contribute to the understanding and further development of inter-organizational practice. Using the concepts of cooperation, collaboration, and integration/differentiation, together with complexity thinking, we aim to emphasize central processes in inter-organizational practice. In particular, by applying a complexity thinking and practice-based framework, this paper departs from the view of the human as a relational creature. A narrative approach is employed. The empirical backdrop of the study is a collaboration platform between a university and industry within the agri-food sector. Adding to the extant literature on inter-organizational practice, this study emphasis collaboration as a practice and process in continuous making and situated in the relations between people.
Antal sidor38
StatusPublicerad - 2021-juni-25
Evenemang37th EGOS Colloquium - Amsterdam, Nederländerna
Varaktighet: 2021-juli-082021-juli-10


Konferens37th EGOS Colloquium


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