Ability and satisfaction with school and job: A longitudinal study

Forskningsoutput: Typer av avhandlingarLicenciatavhandling


This licentiate thesis concern ability and job satisfaction from a longitudinal perspective, and across occupationl areas. The study is based on data from the Individual Development and Adaptation (IDA) research program. The sample consists of 1392 women and men followed from age 10 to midlife. Ability is weakly related to school and job satisfation, and the relationship is mediated by school and work achievement. Early school factors have impact on midlife occupational level (work achievement) and job satisfaction for both sexes. Ability and job satisfaction vary between occupational areas, and when occupational level is taken into account. However, high work achievement/occupational level seems to often be related to high job satisfaction. Finally, overachievers seem to be more satisfied than other groups. The results might be important for school policies, vocational guidance, and selection in the educational system and labour market.
StatusPublicerad - 2007
Externt publiceradJa

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Psykologi (50101)


  • ability
  • satisfaction
  • longitudinal

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