Anaemia prevalence and risk factors in pregnant women in Oman: a retrospective case-control study

Atika Khalaf, Ma’en Aljezawi, Phiona Gimono, Hadya Abboud Abdel Fattah

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelPeer review



Anaemia is a multifactorial condition and understanding its prevalence and associated factors is crucial for effective healthcare planning and interventions. The aim of this study was to explore the prevalence of anaemia during pregnancy and its potential risk factors in Oman.


A retrospective approach was used to identify anaemia cases by examining medical records taken from 9321 women who gave birth at the hospital over 3 years. Chi-squared tests were used to establish differences in risk factors using a case-control design, with a 1:2 ratio. 


The crude prevalence of anaemia was 31.2%, dropping to 4.9% after excluding women with chronic and/or acute diseases. Significant differences were found in nationality (χ2=4.738, P=0.030), body mass index (χ2=6.392, P=0.041) and gestational age (χ2=4.329, P=0.037) for women with anaemia compared to those without. 


These findings underscore the significance of assessing and managing anaemia in pregnancy, while considering the interaction of demographic and clinical variables in formulating anaemia prevention strategies.

Sidor (från-till)310-316
Antal sidor7
TidskriftBritish Journal of Midwifery
StatusPublicerad - 2024-maj-29

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Klinisk medicin (302)


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