Associated factors of stigma toward people with mental illness among university and school students

Omar Al Omari, Atika Khalaf, Sulaiman Al Sabei, Dianne Wynaden, Cherry A. Ballad, Khloud Al Dameery, Mohammad Al Qadire

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelPeer review

9 Citeringar (Scopus)
554 Nedladdningar (Pure)


Purpose: This study aimed to explore the associated factors of stigma towards people with mental illness among Omani school and university students. Design and Method: A cross-sectional study among 371 school and university students with a multivariable linear regression model to identify the associated factors of personal and perceptions of stigma. Results: Male students, those with highly educated mothers, have high monthly income, higher mental health knowledge, employed fathers, and received focused education on mental illness showed fewer stigmatizing attitudes. Implications for Practice: Enhancing the knowledge about mental illness among school and university students and their families can play a significant role in reversing stigma.

Antal sidor8
TidskriftPerspectives in Psychiatric Care
StatusPublicerad - 2021-dec.-05

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Psykiatri (30215)
  • Omvårdnad (30305)


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