Ebook proceedings of the ESERA 2013 conference: science education research for evidence-based teaching and coherence in learning

Andreas Redfors (Redaktör)

Forskningsoutput: Bok/rapportProceedings (redaktörskap)

36 Nedladdningar (Pure)


The goal of this electronic book is to publish improved versions of the proposals presented (after peer evaluation) at the ESERA 2013 conference. These updated versions of the papers take into account the discussion which took place during the presentation as well as the feedback received from the reviewers. A total of 960 submissions were received for the conference out of which 339 papers are included in the e-book, following the two rounds of review. On the whole, the e-book presents a comprehensive overview of ongoing studies in Science Education Research in Europe. It represents the current interests and areas under emphasis in the ESERA community at the end of 2013. The e-book contains sixteen parts corresponding to the 16 strands of the ESERA 2013 conference. Each part is co-edited by two or three persons, most of whom were strand chairs. The three formats of presentation made during the conference are published in this e-book. The length for a single oral presentation or poster is between 6 and 12 pages. For the symposium there are two possibilities: The whole symposium can be presented as a single paper of 6-12 pages or each contribution can be considered as a single oral presentation (6-12 pages). All papers in this e-book correspond to communications submitted and accepted for the ESERA 2013 conference that were reviewed by two or three referees, prior to presentation in September 2013. Moreover the co- editors carried out a global reviewing of the updated versions of the papers, which were all submitted after the conference. ESERA or the editors and co-editors do not necessarily endorse or share the ideas and views presented in or implied by the articles included in this book.
FörlagEuropean Science Education Research Association
Antal sidor3030
ISBN (tryckt)978-9963-700-77-6
StatusPublicerad - 2014
Evenemang10th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Nicosia, Cyprus, 2-7 September 2013 -
Varaktighet: 1980-jan.-01 → …

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Didaktik (50302)


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