Guided by IntelliBloom: Promoting artificial intelligence literacy among teachers in higher education

Jonna Keskikallio, Alice Ulvsgärd, Victor Villavicencio, Montathar Faraon, Kari Rönkkö

Forskningsoutput: KonferensbidragArbetsdokument (paper)Peer review

75 Nedladdningar (Pure)


As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to permeate higher education, it can be valuable for teachers to develop AI literacy to bring AI technologies into their teaching practices. However, the rapid advancement of AI has left many teachers overwhelmed and uncertain about its potential for education. They often experience a lack of starting points and guidance to develop a meaningful understanding of AI’s potential applications and benefits for teaching and learning. To bridge this gap, this study introduces IntelliBloom, a theoretically and empirically validated guided process designed to assist teachers in integrating educational AI services (EAISs) into their pedagogical practices. This article serves to promote AI literacy among teachers in higher education and forms a basis for further discussion on how AI can be used to enhance teaching and learning practices.
Antal sidor13
StatusAccepterad/under tryckning - 2024-juli-30
EvenemangInternational Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Education - Tokyo, Japan
Varaktighet: 2024-sep.-282024-sep.-30


KonferensInternational Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Education

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Människa-datorinteraktion (10204)


  • artificial intelligence
  • higher education
  • teachers
  • guided process
  • Bloom's digital taxonomy
  • educational artificial intelligence services

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