ICT as a driver of innovation: a life-cycle approach

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapportKapitel i bokPeer review


This chapter focuses on how the information and communication technology (ICT) context has nourished the industrial dynamic literature stream when it comes to the innovation process. It uses a life-cycle approach on key node papers with a specific focus on interaction and collaboration activates between ICT firms during the past decades. According to the study these activities have nourished the process in different stages of the innovation life-cycle. In addition, choice of learning strategy seems to decide the strength of relationships and ultimately the potential magnitude of innovation and technological change. The practical implication is that ICT firms seem to have moved away from the vertical strategy of doing it all in-house. Instead, there are several indications of an open way of working which push the innovation process forward.
Titel på värdpublikationGlobalization, International Spillovers and Sectoral Changes
Undertitel på värdpublikationImplications for Regions and Industries
FörlagEdward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Antal sidor20
ISBN (elektroniskt)978 1 78643 248 3
ISBN (tryckt)978 1 78643 247 6
StatusPublicerad - 2018-feb.-23


NamnNew Horizons in Regional Science series


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