In tension between organization and profession: professionals in Nordic public service

Carola Aili (Redaktör), Lars-Erik Nilsson (Redaktör), Lennart G. Svensson (Redaktör), Pamela Denicolo (Redaktör)

    Forskningsoutput: Bok/rapportAntologi


    What is it like to be a professional in today's Nordic Public sector organisations? In Tension between Organization and Profession describes everyday problems experienced by individuals in offical positions. The authors' analyses are set against a background of rising rates of sick leave, more cases of mental burnout, decreasing resources and constant demand for professional improvement. Rapid changes in organizations, such as new forms of leadership, new technology and management by documents and the call for client-oriented practices are part of the professional working life.

    The individual professional is the prime focus of this book. Tensions that arise between the individual and the organization/profession are illustrated by a range of examples of problems that public officals, such as teachers, policemen and nurses, are confronted with on a daily basis. The authors discuss subjects such as increased individualization, complexity in relationships, intensified pace and fragmentation of work.

    The title In Tension between Organization and Profession intends to signal an invitation to further the research about a dynamic field where today's professionals meet the requirements of their professions and organizations.

    FörlagNordic Academic Press
    ISBN (tryckt)978-91-85509-02-7
    StatusPublicerad - 2007

    Nationell ämneskategori

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