Insects as food: the impact of information, sustainability, and physical activities on consumer attitudes

Julia Bengtsson, Karin Wendin

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapportKapitel i bokPeer review


A balanced diet providing sufficient energy and nutrition is considered important by most people who are interested in physical exercise. Traditionally, foods of animal origin, i.e. meats, eggs and dairy products, are often highly valued as protein sourcesfor physically active persons, since they contain all the essential amino acids and important micronutrients.Insects are eaten regularly as part of the diet in approximately 120 countries. In the western world, however, insects are more rarely accepted as food, despite their good nutritional content and limited environmental impact.The aim of this study was to investigate the attitudes of physically active consumers towards insects as food and whether these attitudes were affected by information about nutrition and sustainability.In conclusion, this study showed that the attitudes of physically active Swedish consumers towards insects as food were not affected by information about positive nutritional and sustainability aspects. The result showed great complexity concerning food attitudes.
Titel på värdpublikationMenu
Undertitel på värdpublikationFood & Hospitality Magazine
RedaktörerM. Michaud, A. Giboreau, A. Perez-Cueto
FörlagInstitut Paul Bocue Research Center
Antal sidor5
ISBN (tryckt)2275-5748
StatusPublicerad - 2022-juni-01
Evenemang12th International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences - Lyon, Frankrike
Varaktighet: 2022-juni-022022-juni-03


Konferens12th International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences
Förkortad titelICCAS 2022

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Livsmedelsvetenskap (40103)


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