Interview with Rupert Wegerif: education for meaning. the role of theory and philosophy in educational science

Rupert Wegerif, Tina Kullenberg

Forskningsoutput: Bidrag till specialistpublikationArtikel


In this conversation, Rupert Wegerif generously shares his own guiding life experiences as a child, a young student, a young man and finally as an educational scholar. These existential experiences are all about struggling with meaning; the meaning in life, the meaning of schooling and the meaning of educational theory. He suggests how these intricate issues are related in theory and practice. In doing so he also contrasts his pedagogical visions with classical ‘heroes’ who have influenced pedagogy and educational systems profoundly throughout history, questioning their validity from a dialogic stance. Finally, Rupert reports about his new book: the exploration of a novel research approach.

Tina Kullenberg

SpecialistpublikationSIG25 Interview Series, Newsletter
StatusPublicerad - 2020

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Pedagogik (50301)


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