Investigating the Implementation of and Accountability in PPPs: A case-study in public water management

Jean-Claude Mutiganda, Matti Skoog, Giuseppe Grossi

Forskningsoutput: KonferensbidragArbetsdokument (paper)Peer review


Purpose – This study analyses how the implementation of PPPs to operate rural water infrastructures and deliver water to local population has led to a new accountability archetype.

Design/methodology/approach – The archetype theory is used to analyse the process of implementing PPPs as a new archetype and setting up systems and structures of accountability between contracting parties. The
empirical part of the study is based on extensive document analysis in an East African country. Documents analysed are from governmental sources, UNICEF and the World Bank and cover a period from 1998 to early 2019.

Findings – The process of implementing PPPs was revolutionary at the national level and evolutionary at micro levels. The sequence of the change process moved from central to peripheral. The linearity followed a reorientation track strategy. Setting up systems and structure of accountability was evolutionary, peripheral to central following the reorientation strategy. National authorities reacted proactively to comments and suggestions from international donors and local population. However, not all districts have fully implemented PPPs in their rural water sector. The structure of accountability at the local level, however, still suffers from logistical and professional capacity constraints.

Research limitations/implications – Empirical findings cannot be generalised to other situations, but the theoretical framework used in this study can be applied elsewhere.

Practical implications – Giving priority to hearing from end users themselves before designing and implementing policies that intend to respond to specific local needs is recommended.

Originality/value – This study explains the ways in which micro-organisational change can lead to revolutionary archetypes such as PPPs, whereas the implementation of systems and the structure of accountability at inter-organisational level remain evolutionary.
StatusPublicerad - 2019-juli-01
EvenemangThe 9th Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting Conference - Auckland University of Technology , Auckland, Nya Zeeland
Varaktighet: 2019-juli-012019-juli-03


KonferensThe 9th Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting Conference
Förkortad titelAPIRA 2019
Land/TerritoriumNya Zeeland

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Nationalekonomi (50201)


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