Manipulated density of adult mallards affects nest survival differently in different landscapes

    Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelPeer review

    8 Citeringar (Scopus)


    Breeding success in many birds including wildfowl is mainly determined by nest predation. Few studies address cues used by predators to find duck nests, and the same is true for spacing patterns that ducks might use to reduce predation. We designed a crossover experiment in agricultural and forested settings to test the assumption that nest predation rate is related to density of adult birds on a lake. We used introduced wing-clipped mallards (Anas platyrhynchos L., 1758) to increase local pair density and semi-natural nests to assess predation rate. Depredation patterns were analyzed by model fitting in program MARK, using introduction and landscape type as main effects and abundance of avian predators and wild waterbirds as covariates. Depredation was higher at agricultural lakes than at forest lakes. Nest survival decreased with increasing abundance of wild waterfowl, whereas it tended to increase with the abundance of "other waterbirds". There was a landscape-dependent effect of increased mallard pair density: positive at agricultural lakes and negative at forest lakes. Avian predators found 91% of depredated "known-predator" nests at agricultural lakes and 25% at forest lakes; mammals found 9% at agricultural lakes and 75% at forest lakes. The landscape-dependent density effect may in part be due to different predator communities in these landscape types.

    Sidor (från-till)589-595
    Antal sidor6
    TidskriftCanadian Journal of Zoology
    StatusPublicerad - 2007

    Nationell ämneskategori

    • Biologi (106)


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