Multimodal textproduktion i årskurs 3: analys av en lärares bedömning

Eva Borgfeldt

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelPeer review

21 Nedladdningar (Pure)


The aim, in this qualitative semi- structured interview study, is to analyze whatmodalities a primary s chool teacher in a multicultural school context stresses when assessing her third grade students’ meaning making in their multimodaltext productions. The study has a socio-cultural perspect ive and the theoreticalpoints and analysis tools are based in the socio semiotic multimodal theories, and in the multiliteracies research. The results show that the teacher on theone hand mainly focuses o n the semiotic resources, image, color and writing, and to some ext ent squares, symbols and speech bubbles in student petitions, but on the other hand her statements points out the complexity of the task formulation gives rise. It proves to be problematic for the teacher to allow stu-dents to freely interpret and independently design their task where she at thesame time intends to make an overall assessment o f how the content is pre-sented. In practice, the teacher more often are focused on assessing abilities that show how thoroughly and carefully the students are documenting thandeveloping the knowledge. It points to the difficulty of reconciling assessment requirements in the context of a multimodal text production. 

Sidor (från-till)118-151
Antal sidor33
TidskriftEducare - Vetenskapliga skrifter
StatusPublicerad - 2017
Externt publiceradJa

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Språk och litteratur (602)

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