Musicking and technology: a further Swedish perspective

Bo Nilsson

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1 Citeringar (Scopus)


Computers and digital instruments change the way we think about ourselves and other people, demonstrated by an example with a girl who imagined that she had a computer in her brain where she could click on “Music” in the menu to hear music. This chapter argues that good music technology should allow play and unpredictable events and support a balance between challenge and ability. Digital instruments should also make it possible to revise and develop musical compositions.

Musicking and music creation with digital tools may be vital for children and young people in need of special support, although many children would use any tool available, including their own imagination and fantasy. Musical activities are closely related to play and flow and have measurable biological effects, which makes musicking not only a matter of aesthetics and learning, but also of health and well-being.

Titel på värdpublikationThe Oxford handbook of technology and music education
RedaktörerS. Alex, Roger Mantie
UtgivningsortNew York
FörlagOxford University Press
Antal sidor7
ISBN (tryckt)9780199372133
StatusPublicerad - 2017

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Pedagogik (50301)


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