Nursing Homes as a Context of Pastoral Care: Chaplains Encountering Older Adults Who Experience Existential Loneliness and Meaninglessness

Suvi Saarelainen, Johanna Reimi, Jonna Ojalammi, Helena Larsson, Gorill Haugan, Jessie Dezutter

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelPeer review

4 Nedladdningar (Pure)


Earlier studies indicate that moving into a nursing home raises a variety of existen-tial concerns for older adults. Yet less is known about how nursing home chaplainsexperience caring for these individuals. Based on an interpretative phenomeno-logical analysis, the article examines how chaplains perceive their role in caringfor older people in nursing homes who are experiencing meaninglessness and/orexistential loneliness. Particularly, we analyze: How do chaplains encounter olderpeople experiencing these existential concerns? And what do these encountersrequire of the chaplains themselves? The results show that the encounter requiresintensive listening skills and a strong ability to facilitate person-centered interaction.We also found existential care to include tangible practices in the form of practicalsupport and religious care. Emotional endurance is required to cope with olderpeople’s various feelings and expressions
Sidor (från-till)61-90
Antal sidor29
StatusPublicerad - 2023-jan.

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Omvårdnad (30305)


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