Studien syftar till att skapa kunskap om fritidshemspersonalens uppfattningar om innebörd och implementering av extra anpassningar och särskilt stöd i fritidshemmet, vilket eleverna enligt svensk skollagen har rätt till i fritidshemmet. Det empiriska materialet består av en webenkät med öppna och slutna svarsalternativ besvarad av 412 personer representerande olika yrkesgrupper inom fritidshemmet. Materialet analyseras med deskriptiv statistik samt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Organisationsmodellerna den rationella diffusionsmodellen och översättningsmodellen används som teoretisk ram. Studien visar att extra anpassningar och särskilt stöd synliggörs på olika sätt, och att personalen gör anpassningar mer eller mindre medvetet samt använder olika artefakter och arbetssätt. Personalen har dock svårt att särskilja innehållen i de två begreppen. Det saknas stödinsatser på fritidshemmet enligt 70 % av svaren och det förekommer enstaka åtgärdsprogram riktade enbart till fritidshemmets verksamhet. Resultatet indikerar också att begreppens realisering inte har fått spridning i fritidshemmet, men att det finns en vilja och möjlighet för personalen att skapa egna strategier för att möta elevers behov. Vi ställer oss frågan huruvida policyaktörer bakom skollagens text haft någon tydlig idé om implementering och realisering i fritidshemmets kontext.
The study focuses on staff perceptions in School-age Educare Centers (SAEC) of the implementation of additional adjustments and special support, which the pupils are entitled to in SAEC. The empirical data consists of a web-survey answered by 412 respondents from different professional groups within SAEC. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics and content analysis. The organizational models, the rational diffusion model, and the translation model are used as a theoretical framework. The study shows that additional adjustments and special support are visible in different ways and the staff make
adaptations more or less consciously and use different artifacts and working methods. The staff finds it difficult to distinguish the content of the various forms of support. According to 70% of the responses, there is a lack of support measures at the SAEC. The result also indicates that the realization of the concepts is not spread in the SAEC. There is a will and opportunity for the staff to create their own strategies to meet students' needs. A question to raise is whether policy actors have any clear idea about implementation and realization in the context of the SAEC.
The study focuses on staff perceptions in School-age Educare Centers (SAEC) of the implementation of additional adjustments and special support, which the pupils are entitled to in SAEC. The empirical data consists of a web-survey answered by 412 respondents from different professional groups within SAEC. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics and content analysis. The organizational models, the rational diffusion model, and the translation model are used as a theoretical framework. The study shows that additional adjustments and special support are visible in different ways and the staff make
adaptations more or less consciously and use different artifacts and working methods. The staff finds it difficult to distinguish the content of the various forms of support. According to 70% of the responses, there is a lack of support measures at the SAEC. The result also indicates that the realization of the concepts is not spread in the SAEC. There is a will and opportunity for the staff to create their own strategies to meet students' needs. A question to raise is whether policy actors have any clear idea about implementation and realization in the context of the SAEC.
Originalspråk | Svenska |
Utgivningsort | Kristianstad |
Förlag | Kristianstad University Press |
Antal sidor | 33 |
ISBN (elektroniskt) | 78-91-87973-27-7 |
Status | Publicerad - 2024-okt.-21 |
Namn | Specialpedagogiska rapporter och notiser |
Förlag | Kristianstad University Press |
Volym | 22 |
ISSN (tryckt) | 2000–0022 |
Nationell ämneskategori
- Utbildningsvetenskap (503)