Overcoming control problems in public collaborative innovation projects through the use of personnel controls

Daniela Argento, Eva Lövstål

Forskningsoutput: KonferensbidragArbetsdokument (paper)Peer review


The purpose of this paper is to explore how personnel controls can be used to overcome the control problems emerging in collaborative innovation projects. The paper draws upon public management and management control literature in the context of projects with a temporary nature organized in the public sector. The empirical focus lies on the project called Digital Innovation for Dementia Care (DIDEC) which was implemented at Perstorp Municipality in Sweden with the aim to develop innovative products/services for dementia care through a collaborative approach. The findings, achieved through interventionist research conducted over three and half years, show the facilitating role of two personnel control mechanisms, namely ambassadors and workshops. The paper unveils how the dynamics between human and procedural personnel control mechanisms foster knowledge sharing and facilitate the joint achievement of project’s desired goals.
StatusFörbereds - 2023-dec.-20
EvenemangAnnual GRIP Research Day 2023 - Stadshotellet, Kristianstad, Sverige
Varaktighet: 2023-dec.-192023-dec.-20


WorkshopAnnual GRIP Research Day 2023

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Ekonomi och näringsliv (502)


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