Social entrepreneurship and social innovation: ecosystems for inclusion in Europe

Mario Biggeri (Redaktör), Enrico Testi (Redaktör), Marco Bellucci (Redaktör), Roel During (Redaktör), H. Thomas R. Persson (Redaktör)

Forskningsoutput: Bok/rapportAntologi


This book provides comprehensive and advanced analysis of the characteristics of social entrepreneurship in Europe. It offers innovative, up-todate research on the ecosystems of social entrepreneurship, the behavior of social entrepreneurs, their ability to produce social innovation, social capital and social inclusion, and the role of stakeholders in fostering socially oriented businesses. Moreover, it addresses the diversity of the European social enterprise sector from an evolutionary perspective, with particular reference to the rise of social entrepreneurship and the role of new-generation social entrepreneurs throughout Europe. Multidisciplinary contributions authored by experts from business and accounting, economics, and sociology serve the purpose of delivering a holistic study of social entrepreneurship, also providing the necessary data for delivering policy implications on the features of the most effective enabling social and institutional ecosystems.

UtgivningsortMilton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, UK
Antal sidor231
ISBN (elektroniskt)9781351239028
ISBN (tryckt)978-0-815-37579-1
StatusPublicerad - 2018


NamnRoutledge studies in innovation, organizations and technology

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Ekonomi och näringsliv (502)


  • arbetsintegrerande sociala företag
  • ekosystem
  • sociala ekonomin
  • sociala företag
  • sociala innovationer
  • socialt entreprenörskap


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