Teacher education in inquiry and assessment across Europe – the SAILS approach

Anders Jönsson, Odilla Finlayson, Eilish McLoughlin, Deirdre McCabe

Forskningsoutput: KonferensbidragSammanfattning (abstract)


The Strategies for Assessment of Inquiry-based Learning in Science (SAILS) project (2012-2015) aims to support teachers in adopting inquiry-based science education (IBSE) at second level (www.sails-project.eu). This project is focused on improving science classroom practice with students aged 12-18 years, in twelve European countries (Ireland, United Kingdom, Hungary, Belgium, Turkey, Portugal, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Slovakia and Greece), by providing teachers with inquiry-based teaching and learning and assessment materials supplemented with teacher education programs.  The SAILS project has three main objectives: (1) to enhance existing IBSE teaching and learning materials by incorporating inquiry assessment strategies and frameworks; (2) to partner with teachers to identify and implement assessment strategies and frameworks to evaluate key IBSE skills and competences in the classroom; and (3) to provide teacher education programmes in IBSE and promote a self-sustaining model to encourage teachers to share experiences and practice of inquiry approaches to teaching, learning and assessment - by supporting a community of practice. This paper discusses the third objective, specifically development of the SAILS Teacher Education Programme.  This programme aims to develop teachers’ confidence and competence in inquiry approaches and in their assessment of inquiry skills within their classrooms.  Based on experience and research findings, core elements were identified that were considered necessary for the programme while additional elements identified that were useful if timing was available or that were required to adapt to local conditions. Despite variations across the 12 countries involved, similar issues were identified in teacher education programmes.

StatusPublicerad - 2015
EvenemangESERA,31.8-2.9 2015, Helsinki, Finland -
Varaktighet: 1980-jan.-01 → …


KonferensESERA,31.8-2.9 2015, Helsinki, Finland
Period80-01-01 → …

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Didaktik (50302)


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