Tensions, coherence, and/or progress in early childhood teacher education (ECTE) in the Nordic countries, Special issue

Terese Wilhemsen (Gästredaktör), Jostein Paulgård Østmoen (Gästredaktör), Anette Emilson (Gästredaktör), Jan Jaap Rothuizen (Gästredaktör), Kristin Rydjord Tholin (Gästredaktör)

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel, reviewPeer review


This special issue provides some needed insight into the tensions, coherence, and/or progress in early childhood teacher education (ECTE) in the Nordic countries. These topics warrant exploration due to complex, and at times contradictory educational landscapes, which must deal with the question of how to generate comprehensive, coherent, and interdisciplinary education programs. Drawing on studies utilizing different theoretical perspectives on tensions, coherence, and progress in higher education, and with the use of a variety of research methodologies, the Nordic authors in this special issue expand our knowledge on current issues and tendencies in ECTE in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland. In light of the great importance of and real challenges in the field of early childhood education and care, the question of how to educate early childhood education teachers is highly relevant, and requires more research in, and reflection on, how these teachers are educated. This special issue draws specific attention to opportunities and challenges in ECTE, which has so far received limited research attention.
TidskriftNordisk Barnehageforskning
StatusAccepterad/under tryckning - 2024

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