Utopia as a method for labour law research

Miriam Kullmann, Andrea Iossa

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapportKapitel i bokPeer review


This chapter explores the methodological potential of ‘utopia’ and ‘utopian thinking’ for labour law research. It addresses a central question: How can utopian thinking foster and shape research themes and methods in labour law as well as its evolution? In answering this question, the chapter relies on discussions around the analytical function of utopian thinking by engaging with works that deal with the value of utopian thinking as an analytical and normative tool able to shape present ideas by forging them with a desirable future society in mind. By investigating the inherent utopian thinking in labour law scholarship, the chapter calls labour law scholars to embrace the analytical values of utopian thinking to promote a new research agenda able to go beyond existing imaginaries, taking bold steps to secure labour law’s viability now and in the future.
Titel på värdpublikationResearch Methods in Labour Law
Undertitel på värdpublikationa Handbook
RedaktörerAlysia Blackman, Sean Cooney
FörlagEdward Elgar Publishing
Antal sidor16
ISBN (elektroniskt)9781803925257
ISBN (tryckt)978 1 80392 524 0
StatusPublicerad - 2024-aug.-20

Nationell ämneskategori

  • Juridik (505)


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