"Det lättare livet?" - en litteraturstudie om hur en person som opereras för obesitas kan stödjas till förbättrad hälsa pre- och postoperativt "The easier life?" - a literature review about how a person, operated for obesity, can be supported in order to reach improved health pre- and postoperative

  • Sanna Mårtensson
  • Karin Samsioe
  • Jane Svensson

    Examensarbete: Kandidatexamen


    Background: Obesity surgery is the only technique that has proved to have a long-lasting effect on weight loss. Operation is not a solution but rather a lifelong involvement for the person. To loose a lot of weight means a big adjustment for both body and mind and the operated person may need support, advice, information and encouragement. Aim: The aim was to describe how a person, operated for obesity, can be supported in order to reach improved health pre- and postoperative. Method: A systematic literature study was made which resulted in 18 scientific articles that have been reviewed. Findings: Three categories were created. Support through family and surrounding, attitude and spirit affects the weight loss and well being. Support through nursingcare to reach self care, professional knowledge in the team can promote health. Support through supportgroups, finding strategies to handle life-style changes and to reach self awareness. Conclusion: Commitment, effort and self-perception is required in order to reach improved health. In addition family support may be needed as well as a support from surroundings and from the team. When all this exists, “the easier life” can be reached.


    Nationell ämneskategori

    • Medicin och hälsovetenskap (3)

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